Puppy’s and kittens will need their initial course of vaccinations and then a second booster vaccination 3-4 weeks later.
Vaccination is a crucial part of preventative care for our pets. There are a variety of illnesses that we vaccinate cats and dogs against.
We vaccinate dogs against
Infectious Hepatitis
Canine respiratory illnesses e.g. kennel cough
We vaccinate cats against
Cat “flu”
Feline Calicivirus
Feline rhinotracheitis
Infectious enteritis (Feline Panleukopenia)
Feline Leukaemia
The diseases listed above are unfortunately very common in unvaccinated animals and can cause serious illness and lead to death.
After your pets initial vaccination course we recommend giving booster vaccinatiosn annually to keep up your pets immunity and so they are better able to fight these diseases if they come into contact with them.
We also provide Rabies vaccinations for both cats and dogs. Although this disease is luckily not found in Ireland or the UK it is mandatory for your pet to receive this vaccination if travelling abroad.